Dey got dis ting down n Sout Wes Louisiana call'd de interneckt. Now ma frien Boudreaux dun toll me bout it, so I reckon itz gots to be for true! Now for dose of you dat don' know, Boudreaux iz not de kind O cajun dat would lie bout somting like dat. He might toll you bout de time he kill a 12 foot gator wit a 4-10 shoot gun an a 20 pound tess traught line. which we know iz bull! Nobady gonna use a 4-10 shootin gun no more when a good sharp bayou knife cross de troat work jes as good and don' coss no money for de shell. Woo boy! Sometime dat Boudreax he like tell some whoopers, but he always a good frien and shoot straight wit you bout de serious stuff. So Boudreaux he toll me dat he can get on dis interneckt and get anyting, anytime he want! I say shy, mon duex! I sorry my frien but I jes don' believe dat no. He say itz for true, so I ax him to prove dat.I say Boudreaux, get on dat interneckts and fine me a wife dat know how to run a traught line and dress out a catfish for a couvillion. Oh and make sure she don' want to live wit me no, Cause I like to be alone mose de time and I know how dem cajun female like to talk about relationship and stuff like dat! Me I jes don' like dat poofy stuff no shy.

Boudreaux say to me, shy it don' work quite like dat, and I say hahn I knew it, you gonna toll me some more of dat bull! He say no itz a little diffrant den dat. he say I can't jes order up a cajun wife dat know all dat stuff! Den he say that you can order up a wife on de interneckt, but she probably gonna speak wit a funny ac-cent and eat some weird food you never heard bout! I don' tink I like that Boudreaux, an he say dats not de point. what I'm to toll you iz jes an example, den I say OK, I understood it now. he say letz tri diz again, Boudreaux sez, how much you spend when you go down to Gasparhds for de # 10 one aucht hook wit the long shank and de 20 pound test line and de one ounce weight? I say bout $4.50 and he say now you do dat every week for five weeks and you gonna spend a lot of money, no? Oui, I toll him, now I dun been tru de six grade tree times and I know dats a lot of money shy! Then Boudreaux he sez, you can order all dat on de interneckt for bout half dat and it come right to your door! you don' got to get in your air boat and wase de gas and time to go to Gasparhds no more! Now I know what your tinking, I thought it too, but Boudreaux sez itz for true and I'm gonna believe him. he sez de got diz ting called de I-Phone, he say wit dat you can get on de interneckts and talk to Denise and Denefew any time you want and de got de videaux picture on it that you can see dem at the same time you speak to dem. He sez itz not like de phone you got wit de wires and round dahl for de numbers no, he sez itz `wire-less and don' coss near what you pay to have all dem wires come in de camp house! Now I'm startin to tink dat Boudreaux, he'z a smart cajun he knows alot o tings. He dun spend six years in high scholl and got what de call a hi education! An to prove dat, he also got one of his chiren dat go to de LSU too!

Now for dose of you dat don' know, LSU is not de Louisiana State of Unemployment no, Itz a col-edge in a little town jes east of here called a Baton Rouge. An itz a great little town too, de got de govnah of all louisiana, not jes de SW part live there an I know dis iz for true cuz I been there to his house for de shrimp boil jus lass year. It's a fine place too, a big white house wit got all de trimmins, Now Bobby iz a good man too, an we pass a good time, eat a lot of shrimp and drink some ice cold beer, I tink he's probably de bess guvnah dis state done ever gonna seen! An if 'z good nough for Bobby, It'z good nough for Boudreaux's cherin too! But dats another story dat I'm gonna toll you some other time. I want to get back to dis interneckt ting. Boudreaux say he can get me sometin called a black-berrie, he sez itz a lot like de I-phone and itz got de alphabet letters on it so dat I can send somting call'd a tex-message to my frienz. Now I got stop right here, cuz I look at Boudreaux like he done loss hiz mind! I say, I'm gonna get dis phone dat got no wire and no round dahl for de numbers and me, I'm gonna send you a tex-message? Why I'm not jes gonna call you? Boudreaux sez I can send de tex-message to let people know what I'm doin right now. An I can send dat to alot of peoples at the same time so I don' got to call each one. Den I sez to Boudreaux, you mean like I can toll the peoples dat dis is Thibideaux, I jes got up, got my cup of community coffee and iz sittin on de pot? Why don' I jes call you an say Boudreax guess what dis sound like an let you figure out where I'm sittin?

Now Boudreaux sez to me, I can't did stuff like dat cuzz itz not what de call appropriate, what ever dat mean, I sez earlier dat Boudreaux like to use dem fancy hi-scholl words a lot jes to show off. He sez what you would sez instead is somting like, Dis is Thibideaux I jes got up and got my cup of community coffee and jes finish brushin my tooth! Boudreax say you gots to keep a lot of manners on de internekt cuz itz a social net-work. Then I sez to Boudreaux, what if I drop my Black-berrie wire-less phone in de water when I'm checkin my traught line an one of dem fish get hold of dat phone and send one of dem tex-meassage to all my frien and say maybe I'm not de bes fish-r-man on de bayou. Now I got a problem wit my rep-you-tation! Boudreaux say I don' got to worry bout dat cuz itz a wire-less phone and dem fish don' got no signal under de water anyhow. Now I only been tru de six grade tree times, but dem fish stay in dem scholls all der entire life so I tink de got to be smart nough to figure dat one out. But Boudreaux he sez it's a diffrant kind of scholl what de fish go to. I know what your tinking an I thought it to but Boudreaux dun shot straight wit me so far so I'm gonna believe him.

Boudreaux sez I gots a lot to learn about the interneckts but de bes way iz to jes get out there an start doin it. He sez, me I'm gonna learn as I go an soon nough I'm gonna be a pro! I don' know bout you but down in Sout Wes Louisiana we consider a pro somting compleetly difrant! Gotta go, Fish on!

Editor Note: Mr. R. Thibideaux has lived in Grand Chenier rigth outside the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge his entire life. He speaks with a heavy french accent and often times, when he can't find the english word for what he wants to say, he will switch to cajun french. He also mumbles. I tried to write this article the way he spoke it, I know I did not even come close to getting it right, but you get the jest of it. Rodney and I have been friends a long time. We've caught a lot of fish and drank a lot of beer. He's been clean and sober for almost three years now and I applaud him for his efforts and funny stories. I hope you enjoyed this one

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